Daikin Applied: Chiller

Company: Daikin Applied
Product: Navigator WWV
Description: The enhanced Navigator WWV is a water-cooled screw chiller with low-global warming potential (GWP) R-513A refrigerant. In addition to delivering industry-leading performance, customers can pair the new chiller with an optional Templifier TWV water heater for an energy- and cost-efficient heat recovery solution. The combination of a low-GWP refrigerant and heat recovery configuration allows building owners and operators to trim utility costs and accelerate their sustainability and decarbonization efforts. The Templifier TWV technology allows the Navigator to recover large amounts of heat that is typically rejected from the building, and use it to produce hot water up to 140°F for processes or domestic hot water. The Navigator WWV provides part-load efficiency and sound reduction due to its unique-in-industry single-screw design with variable volume ratio (VVR) compression technology. Available from 120 to 300 tons, the Navigator is engineered for high-lift operation, making it a fit for low-temperature processes and ice applications.
Contact: (800) 432-1342; www.daikinapplied.com
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