Corrosion is a silent but costly enemy, eating away at critical infrastructure and equipment worldwide. According to a study by the US Federal Highway Administration, its direct impact drains a staggering $276 billion from American industries and government coffers each year. But a new initiative from the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) may offer a powerful weapon in this ongoing battle.

NCMS has developed a corrosion risk-based assessment tool designed to identify vulnerabilities early, allowing for proactive mitigation strategies. The dynamic survey quantifies both the susceptibility and potential consequences of corrosion on equipment and infrastructure, providing valuable insights for users.

While initially created for the U.S. Army, the tool's applications extend far beyond the military. It could be a game-changer for safeguarding high-value assets like bridges, buildings, industrial machinery, and utility systems.

The tool's development underscores NCMS's mission to enhance the competitiveness of the US industrial base through innovation. For nearly four decades, the consortium has fostered collaboration between industry, government, and academia to bring cutting-edge technologies to market more efficiently.

As the global battle against corrosion continues, this new NCMS tool could be a crucial addition to the toolbelt.