Company: Zonex Systems
Product: BACnet IP Solution
Description: The BACnetIP solution for its GEN X System is an advanced HVAC control solution designed for commercial applications, capable of managing up to 400 zones with precise control over heating and cooling. This significant milestone reinforces Zonex’s commitment to delivering innovative, efficient, and interoperable zoning solutions for the HVAC industry. At the core of the BACnetIP solution is the QuickServer gateway, developed by a third-party integrator. This BTL (BACnet Testing Laboratories) certified gateway serves as a bridge, providing communication between the GEN X System and a customer’s building management system (BMS). BTL certification ensures that the Quick Server Gateway has undergone rigorous testing and meets industry standards needed to communicate with other devices via BACnetIP. This capability is essential for building management systems that require open communication standards to integrate various HVAC and control devices efficiently.
Contact: (877) 347-7896;
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