Siemens: Rooftop Unit

Photo courtesy of Siemens
Company: Siemens
Product: Climatix
Description: The Climatix RTU Light Commercial solution introduces RTU zone control, simplifying the maintenance and management of rooftop units that are not part of a larger building automation system. This pre-engineered package includes predefined light commercial applications, optimizing RTU performance for equipment efficiencies, building performance benefits, and productivity for faster commissioning. The solution includes the Climatix RT Controller, Zone Controller, QMX3 Room Operator Unit, Climatix Variable Frequency Drive, Climatix IC cloud-based software, and the Siemens WLAN commissioning stick for easy commissioning utilizing the Climatix mobile app. This controller-driven solution streamlines the installation process, reducing downtime and labor costs. Compatible with any manufacturer's rooftop unit with up to three cooling compressors and two stages of heating, the Climatix RTU Light Commercial solution can integrate up to a dozen Variable Air Volume (VAV) / Variable Volume and Temperature (VVT), or Fan Powered Box (FPB) terminal units using the Siemens Zone Controller. This versatility enhances operational efficiency and productivity, making it ideal for fast-food restaurants, small offices, and retail establishments.
Contact: (800) 743-6367;
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