Mainstream Engineering Corp.: Refrigeration, A/C Unit Flush
The patent-pending Qwik System Flush™ (Qwik-SF) is an HVACR biodegradable refrigeration and air conditioning equipment flush. According to the company, it is nontoxic, nonflammable, and effective for removing system-damaging residual oil, moisture, and acid. The flush leaves no residue if a system is properly evacuated down to 25 inches of mercury. It can be used for line sets amidst HCFC to HFC conversions; evaporators, condensers, and line sets after a system burnout; systems suffering from excess moisture; and preventive maintenance programs in suspect systems. According to the manufacturer, Qwik-SF doesn’t evaporate prematurely - which reduces effectiveness - or contain decafluoropentane and other solutions that contaminate the service technician and the environment. Qwik-SF is available in 2-pound (850-gram) recyclable aluminum orange canisters that contain enough flush to clean a 10-ton air conditioning or refrigeration system.
Mainstream Engineering Corp., 200 Yellow Place, Rockledge, FL 32955; 321-631-3550; 321-631-3552 (fax);; www.
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