ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has announced that it will hold a symposium on labor and employment law for HVACR contractors this fall. The HVACR Labor & Employment Summit will be held Oct. 4 and 5 in New Orleans.
Finding and keeping good employees - and managing them while complying with the numerous laws that govern employment - is a key challenge for today's contracting businesses, noted ACCA. During this day-and-a-half summit, contracting business owners and managers will learn how to reduce their liability risks while also providing a workplace environment that attracts the right kind of employees.
The workshops will be presented by Adams & Reese, one of the nation's leading law firms in the labor and employment arena. Topics to be addressed include:
• Finding the Right Candidate: Advertising, Interviewing, and Hiring
• Your Company's Policy Manual: Why You Need One and What It Should Say
• The Alphabet Soup of Law: ADA, FMLA, and Everything in Between
• When Employees Become Competitors and How You Can Avoid It
• Sexual Harassment and Discrimination: Steps You Need to Take
• Safety at the Workplace: OSHA Compliance
Registration for the event is $495 for ACCA members and $595 for non-members. For more information or to register, visit or call Vickie Ellis at 703-824-8856.
Publication date:04/09/2007