FHP Manufacturing Co., 601 N.W. 65th Ct., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309; 954-776-5471; 800-776-5529 (fax); heatpump@fhp-mfg.com (e-mail); www.fhp-mfg.com (Web site)
FHP Manufacturing: heat pump
The new Model EV Enviromiser line of water-source heat pumps utilizes R-410A refrigerant. Besides being environmentally friendly, the unique heat transfer characteristics of R-410A make it extremely efficient, says the company. The units range from 21¼2 through 5 tons. Ground loop EER is up to 16.9 with a COP of 3.4. Options include an internally mounted heat recovery package and ground loop pumping package. This reduces installation time and cost for the contractor as well as making a more compact design, the company says.