ATLANTA, GA — The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) announced that the proposed residential indoor air quality (IAQ) standard is now open for public review.

Proposed Standard 62.2P, “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings,” recommends whole-house mechanical ventilation systems for all residential buildings of three or fewer stories.

Also up for review are four addenda to the ASHRAE 62-1999 IAQ standard, “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,” which sets minimum ventilation rates and other requirements for commercial and institutional buildings:

  • Addendum o provides design guidance for controlling odor in indoor spaces where smoking occurs;

  • Addendum 62t clarifies requirements related to condensate management, including drain pan design, carryover from cooling coils, and access for inspection and cleaning;

  • Addendum 62u relates to the control of ventilation systems, specifically system controls to ensure adequate ventilation whenever buildings are occupied and under any load conditions; and

  • Addendum 62y classifies air with respect to contaminant and odor intensity and limits the re-circulation of lower-quality air into spaces that contain air of higher quality.

The public review, which began August 11, will end on October 10.

Drafts of proposed standards are available only during their public review periods. To obtain electronic draft version of standard 62.2P during the comment period, log on to ASHRAE Online at

Publication date: 08/21/2000
