The Model SM175 two-channel datalogger with digital display and two remote K-thermocouple probes makes it possible to record two locations at once, the company says. With the two K-thermocouple probes, the unit can measure temperature ranges of -300° to 2000°F, enabling it to monitor a variety of hvacr applications. The datalogger features a minimum/maximum key which allows users to make decisions about the data by looking at the current minimum and maximum readings on the display before downloading data, the company says.
Dickson Co., attn: Customer Service, 930 S. Westwood Ave., Addison, IL 60101-4997; 800-323-2448 or 630-543-3747; 800-676-0498 or 630-543-0498; dicksoncsr@dicksonweb.com (e-mail); www.dicksonweb.com (website).
eProduct #185
Publication date:11/13/2000