Cooking Cool Cuisine “Detroit, Mich. — Heat harassed housewives here have discovered healthful, helpful new ways and means of holding hot-headed husbands.” So began an article in the July 30, 1930 issue on hot-weather cooking classes that the various refrigerator companies ran in conjunction with each other.
One recipe created by the home service department of Kelvinator ran in The News as follows:
Frozen Pear Salad ½ cup pears
½ cup peaches
½ cup preserved figs
½ cup shredded pineapple
¼ cup blanched shredded almonds
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup heavy cream
Drain fruit and cut in small pieces. Whip cream and blend with mayonnaise. Combine all ingredients and freeze in Kelvinator tray. Fills one 27-cube tray, freezes in 2 to 3 hours. Cut in squares and serve on bed of lettuce with mayonnaise.
Preserving World Peace In an article in the August 1, 1960 News, Frank J. Versagi discussed world hunger and the role that refrigeration can and does play to combat it.
According to this article, one of the reasons that a country is underdeveloped is because its people are undernourished, which causes them to be listless and unproductive.
Versagi states that refrigeration is “a proved and effective weapon in the fight against undernourishment and starvation.”
At the Copenhagen meeting of the International Institute of Refrigeration, speakers addressed the role of refrigeration in dealing with hunger.
Said M.J. Foulon of Belgium, “It [refrigeration] constitutes one of the most valuable contributions toward a more rational and universal food supply.”
Another speaker said, “The production of good and healthy foods, their preservation, and transport in large quantities, and their final distribution constitutes the most fundamental condition for an improvement in the standard of living. To this should be added the application of refrigeration in medical science and finally the importance for our everyday comfort.”
The article goes on to say that the “exportation of American products is considered a contribution to solving the problem of a balanced world food supply even by those who must compete against the imported products. The pressing need in many areas however, is for a cadre, a nucleus of personnel with refrigeration know-how.”
Five goals were listed to increase worldwide refrigeration knowledge:
1. Make available basic texts on refrigeration and air conditioning;
2. Translate installation and service bulletins into native languages;
3. Follow up with the buyer;
4. Train representatives in other countries at the American plant; and
5. Answer questions, no matter how simple they seem to the manufacturers.
Publication date: 07/30/2001