The Patriot™ line of light-duty commercial electric water heaters now features larger sizes and a greater choice of kilowatt inputs at different voltages. The line is designed to serve the needs of small-demand applications, including medical offices and small businesses. Single heating element models are available in 6-, 10-, 17-, and 20-gal sizes. Double-element units come in 30-, 40-, 50-, 66-, 82-, and 120-gal sizes. Compact and lowboy models (6 to 50 gal) offer overall heights from 18 to 313¼4 in., to permit under-counter installation when space is limited, says the company.

State Industries, Inc., 500 By Pass Rd., Ashland City, TN 37015; 800-365-8170 or 615-792-4371; (website).

eProduct #189

Publication date: 10/09/2000
