— The Vision Award went to Walker-J-Walker (Memphis, TN), which won this award as Comfort Systems USA Company of the Year. In addition, the company won the Contracting Excellence Award for consistent operational and financial distinction on construction projects.
— The Service Excellence Award was given to Accurate Air (Houston, TX) for developing its service department from $3.5 million to $10 million in four years.
— The Spirit Award was given to United Environmental Services, Inc. (UES) (Baytown, TX), for gaining national recognition of Comfort Systems USA’s leadership in automation.
— The Focus Award was given to Mandell Mechanical (New York, NY) for its dedication to financial and customer service performance.
— The Safety Award went to ACI Mechanical (Ames, IA) for logging more than 195,000 work hours with only one recordable injury.
— The Good Cents Award was given to Accu-Temp (Indianapolis, IN) for its good financial management practices.
Publication date: 04/23/2001