The D850 traceable radio-signal remote hygrometer/ thermometer and remote sensor module monitors temperature and humidity from up to three remote wireless sensors, says the company. The main unit features a large digital display where current minimum and maximum temperature and humidity readings can be viewed. It also features an audible alarm that indicates when critical conditions have occurred. The unit can be used for monitoring multiple wireless locations such as cleanrooms, storerooms, ducts, and others, the company says.
Dickson Co., 930 S. Westwood Ave., Addison, IL 60101-4997; 800-323-2448 or 630-543-3747; 800-676-0498 or 630-543-0498 (fax); dicksoncsr@dicksonweb.com (e-mail); www.dicksonweb.com (website).
eProduct #191
Publication date: 04/02/2001