This single-stage heat and mass exchange core allows air or fluids to be cooled to temperatures below wetbulb and closer to dewpoint temperature without chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, says the company. Applying the new Maisotsenko Thermodynamic Cycle™, it may be used in cooling tower refrigeration systems. By cooling water to temperatures below wetbulb, it will enable significantly higher efficiencies, providing colder products with less power consumption, the company says. It also offers a single-stage sensible cooling system, as an economical indirect evaporative cooler, that results in little or no added humidity, says the firm.

IDALEX Technologies, Inc., 3901 Nome St., Denver, CO 80239; 303-375-0878; 303-375-1693 (fax); (website).

eProduct #187

Publication date: 03/22/2001
