The workshop is scheduled to be held Oct. 23 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL. Involved in the workshop are ASTM Subcommittees D22.05 on Indoor Air and E6.41 on Air Leakage and Ventilation Performance.
Among the planned presenters are David Ensor, of Research Triangle Institute, who will explore the possible mechanisms to explain the “black soot” phenomena; Frank Vigil, of Advanced Energy, who will give an overview of on-site investigation methodologies; Lori Streit, of Unified Engineering, Inc., who will discuss techniques and results of laboratory analysis of black soot; and Niren Nagada, of ENERGEN Consulting, Inc., who will speak on the methodologies, results, and the status of standardization.
There is no cost for attendance and the workshop is open to nonmembers. However, registration is required.
For information on registration and ASTM committee activities, contact ASTM staff director George Luciw at 610-832-9710 or (e-mail).