"The investor-owned utilities in Texas are working together with community action agencies, state officials and their customers to make certain no one is forced to choose between paying their electricity bill or their health and well-being," said John Fainter, President of AECT. "With higher natural gas prices increasing the cost of electricity, coupled with the typically hot Texas summers, AECT member companies realize that consumers may need help.
“This initiative is designed to educate consumers about their options and the programs available to them -- from both their electric company and non-profit and governmental agencies."
Fainter noted that the price of electricity could be as much as 30 percent higher than last summer due to significantly higher natural gas prices.
The Texas Heat Relief Initiative outlines strategies for all consumers -- and particularly low-income, senior citizens and hard-to-reach customers of Texas' investor-owned utilities -- to reduce their electricity consumption without reducing their well-being or safety. These include the following five points:
"It's important that all customers who need help know exactly what is available to them -- whether simple tips for reducing consumption or direct assistance in paying their electric bills," Mr. Fainter said. "AECT member companies take their responsibility seriously in making certain the assistance and information is available to their customers."
Publication date: 06/25/2001