Dickson Co.: FAX LOGGER
The FX420™ fax logger is a temperature and humidity datalogger that records and sends data to the user via fax or e-mail, says the company. The unit plugs into a standard phone outlet and can monitor temperature ranges from 0 to 100°F and humidity ranges from 0 to 95% rh, the company says. The product can be used for monitoring remote operating facilities or a tenant’s space. It can keep the user informed of how building automation systems are working. The logger features auto line seizure and auto callback to ensure that data will be sent, says the manufacturer.
Dickson Co., attn: Customer Service, 930 S. Westwood Ave., Addison, IL 60101-4997; 800-323-2448 or 630-543-3747; 800-676-0498 or 630-543-0498 (fax); dicksoncsr@dicksonweb.com (e-mail); www.dicksonweb.com (website).
eProduct #184
Publication date: 02/12/2001