Lennox Industries Inc.: ROOFTOP UNITS
Efficiency and dehumidification enhancements have been made to the L Series® line of commercial packaged roof-top equipment. These units are available in 3- to 30-ton gas/electric, electric/electric, and heat pump models. The L Series now offers the Humiditrol® dehumidification system on the 13-, 15-, 17.5-, 20-, and 25-ton units. The manufacturer states that improvements made on the series include higher efficiencies on the standard-efficiency models to comply with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1999; the L Series has ratings of 12.0 EER and 13.4 IPLV. The Integrated Modular Control System, a standard feature on the series, combines a direct digital controller and rooftop controller.
Lennox Industries Inc., P.O. Box 799900, Dallas, TX 75379-9900; lennoxinternational.com (website).
eProduct #184