The PRO3 Refrigeration System line has expand-ed and now has cooler sizes from 2,500 to 14,500 Btuh and freezer sizes from 1,850 to 9,050 Btuh. The line is designed to mount flush in a 4-in. ceiling panel in order to allow for more cooler or freezer storage. The controls are preset for 35 degrees F for coolers and –10 degrees for freezers. The system is factory assembled, evacuated, charged, run tested, and wired and has a two-year parts warranty. A 26-in. power cord and three-prong electrical plug are standard on some systems, for fast installation and start-up, which could eliminate the need for a field-installed disconnect, the company says.

Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, 2175 West Park Place Blvd., Stone Mountain, GA 30087; 770-465-5600; 770-465-5990 (fax); (website).

eProduct #190