Enhancements to Easy-Cool™, a premium, integrated evaporative cooling and humidification system, includes improved performance and simplified maintenance for this water re-circulating system, says the company. The system includes water distribution capabilities, evaporative media, gutter/sump, pre-wired pump, and the necessary fittings. Other features are an expanded pump offering; a new float valve design, located outside the tank for easier access and quicker adjustment; and center-fed water distribution to reduce the distance water is pumped, the company says.

Munters Corp., HumiCool Division, 108 Sixth St. SE, P.O. Box 6428, Fort Myers, FL 33911; 800-446-6868 or 941-936-1555; www.muntersamerica.com/humicool (website).

eProduct #189

Publication date: 07/23/2001
