eProduct #183
Maple Chase Co., an Invensys company: ZONE CONTROLS
The slim, low-profile Robertshaw® SlimZone® Deluxe panel controls monitor up to seven zones when installed with a single air conditioning unit, the company says. The standard unit controls three zones and can be expanded to seven zones in two-zone increments. The controls are designed to monitor each zone thermostat, transmitting information to motorized dampers found in the ductwork, and are compatible with electric, gas, oil, or heat pump equipment, according to the manufacturer.
Maple Chase Co., an Invensys company, attn: Laura Remack, product manager, 2820 Thatcher Rd., Downers Grove, IL 60515; 630-719-6318; 630-719-4400 (fax); 1remack@maplechase.com (e-mail); www.invensys.com (website).