Friedrich Air Conditioning Co.: PTAC LINE
The new Wallmaster line of packaged terminal air conditioners (ptac’s) has been engineered to provide quiet, dependable performance while delivering high energy efficiency, says the company. Used in lodging, healthcare, multifamily housing, and modular building applications, with energy efficiencies of up to 12.2 EER, the units can help defray rising energy costs by lowering operating expenses, the company says. Additionally, standard features like mechanical thermostat limiters and built-in dampers give operators more ways to control costs, says the manufacturer.
Friedrich Air Conditioning Co., 4200 N. Pan Am Expressway, San Antonio, TX 78218-5212; 800-541-6645 or 210-357-4400; 210-357-4480 (fax); (website).
eProduct #185
Publication date: 06/11/2001