“Existing and emerging technologies can help America meet its ever-increasing energy demands while also tackling the serious environmental challenges we face,” said Earnie Deavenport, chairman and ceo of Eastman Chemical Co. and chairman of BRT’s Environment, Technology, and the Economy Task Force.
“New technologies will be a key component in crafting America’s future energy policies. The business community stands ready to help address the challenges ahead.” The BRT believes in a diverse energy supply to promote energy security, support economic stability and research and development efforts by both the federal government and the private sector in science and technology, and better align energy and environmental policies. The group says that many of its member companies are already applying new technologies. For example, the increasing use of cogeneration — turning otherwise wasted heat into steam used in manufacturing — is a prime example of how technology can increase energy efficiency while improving the environment through reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. Similarly, to enhance energy efficiency, the BRT says that streamlining the “new source review” requirements of the Clean Air Act can help produce a simpler, more workable permitting program.
“Through a diverse energy supply, technological innovation, and alignment of our energy and environmental policies, we can meet our energy needs while making the 21st century the most environmentally conscious and prosperous we have ever seen,” stated Deavenport.
Several BRT publications that outline policy solutions, including "Unleashing Innovation," can be found at www.brt.org.
Publication date: 07/23/2001