The two new Advantage airflow sensor product lines have been introduced to the commercial and institutional building markets. Available in both Gold and Silver Series, the sensors provide a building’s automated controls with functionality, accuracy, and reliability, says the manufacturer. The company says the devices offer reliable and accurate inputs to optimize dilution ventilation rates for IAQ in offices, hospitals, schools, and laboratories. Since each sensor is independent and does not require a stable profile of total and static pressures, the sensors’ thermal dispersion technology can be applied in closer proximity to duct fittings and accessories, accurately determining airflow in difficult locations, says the manufacturer.

Ebtron, Inc., 1663 Hwy. 701 South, Loris, SC 29569; 843-756-1828; 843-756-1838 (fax); (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #183

Publication date: 12/03/2001