The Granular Dacor Carbon (GDC) cartridge filter for diverse air applications has a sturdy, new, ABS plastic frame available in two sizes: 12 by 24 by 12 in. nominal and 24 by 24 by 12 in. nominal. The frame adds durability to the cartridge filter, ensuring that it remains intact during shipping and handling. This frame can either be disposed of in a landfill or by incineration, the company says. The filter uses a granulated coconut shell carbon in a laminated honeycomb filter design. According to the manufacturer, this design (along with the amount of granular carbon used) provides more than 80 million sq ft of surface area/filter, as well as low pressure drop. The cartridge can be made with specialty carbons for treating light, molecular-weight contaminants.

Waterlink/Barnebey Sutcliffe Corp., P.O. Box 2526, Columbus, OH 43216-2526; 614-258-9501; 614-258-3464 (fax); activated_ (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #186