Consulting engineer with over 42 years of experience in refrigeration design. System designs include water source heat pumps, air conditioning, supermarket rack systems/ cases, cascade and low-temperature systems, chillers, environmental chamber design, and air-flow problems/design. Reasonable rates for part-time consulting; excellent references. Gordon Whitney, 11945 Waverly Harbor, Holland, MI 49424; 616-786-3504; (fax) 603-452-1960;

My burners are fired up but my feet are cold! Inexperienced yet serious Votech-certified; college certification in climate control technology with universal transition and recovery certification (from Ferris State University). I’d like that first break getting into the field. Looking for work in the Kansas City, MO, and surrounding area. Rick Lackey, 323 N. Home, Independence, MO 64053; 816-833-3744; (e-mail).

Publication date: 12/10/2001