The Infinity Modular Air Purifier Cell™ is a commercially engineered electrostatic air purification system that is a hybrid between commonly used electrostatic air cleaners installed in ductwork and industrial units, the company says. It is designed to replace traditional media or bag filters and can remove airborne particles as small as 0.01 microns, says the manufacturer. Features include a single cell, which can serve as a standalone system in ductwork or can be integrated into the air handler; high-voltage ceramic insulators; nesting end plates; onboard power supply; corner rack; three connection points (120 vac, interconnecting tiers, and operational signal indicator); power/control wire raceway; and multi-tier stacking capabilities.

Trion, Inc., 101 McNeill Rd., Sanford, NC 27330; 800-884-0002; 800-458-2379 (fax); (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #186