ACCA received the award for its “National HVACR Systems Security Summit,” held on Jan. 26, 2002, in Baltimore, MD. The national emergency summit was cosponsored by The News in the wake of bioterrorist attacks and growing consumer anxiety over the safety of air-handling systems.
The summit featured four separate panels that addressed: “Manufacturer/ Product Perspectives;” “Contractor Challenges/Short-Term Issues and Answers;” “Air-Handling Security/Long-Term Focus;” and “Open Dialogue for Contractors.”
Panelists included representatives from the federal government, major manufacturers, commercial contracting businesses, academia, law firms, and other related organizations. Over 100 people attended the standing-room-only event, which was organized in less than two months.
Proceeds from the summit were donated to the families of Angelo Sereno and Felix Calixte, two employees of ACCA member company BP Air Conditioning Corp., who were lost in the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center.
Publication date: 06/17/2002