The Mongoose Thruster ™ is an EPA-certified refrigerant recovery pump. Along with the pump, a 15-lb DOT recovery tank with a float switch and a service van rack make up the kit. The system pumps liquid and vapors directly through the pump. It is ideal for recovery on systems that have charges of 22 oz or less, the manufacturer says. Water or compressor oil in the refrigerant will not harm the unit. This magnetically driven piston pump has one moving part and two check valves. The vapor recovery is 0.1 lb/min, and liquid refrigerant is moved at a rate of 1.6 lb/min. The push/pull refrigerant transfer is 5.5 lb/min.

PumpWorks Inc., 1125 Nathan Lane North, Minneapolis, MN 55441; 800-431-4408; (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #187