This year’s program will open with remarks from MCAA president-elect Tom Williams. Also, career development committee chairman Jack Wilhelmi and University of Nebraska – Lincoln assistant professor Tim Wentz will unveil MCAA’s 2002 student chapter competition. For the competition, students team up to solve a mechanical problem.
The summit will also provide an opportunity for students to participate in educational sessions, including a seminar on job searching techniques, the proper preparation of a r¿m¿nd cover letter, and how to interview effectively. There will also be a presentation from the president of the 2001 Student Chapter of the Year and a roundtable discussion.
MCAA says that special features of the two-day event will include a tour of Carrier Corp.’s manufacturing plant and Customer Solutions Center and a tour of the Hendrick Motorsports Complex, where some of NASCAR’s racecars are designed, built, and serviced.
For more information on the event or on MCAA’s student chapter program, go to (website).
Publication date: 07/22/2002