Several general guidelines apply to most installations; however, it is always best to check with the manufacturer of the evaporator for specific instructions.
This article offers some general guidelines.
Always allow for sufficient space between the rear and sides of the evaporator and the wall to permit free return air. Check with the manufacturer of the particular coil for exact minimum spacing requirements.
When draining two or more evaporators in a common drain, always trap drain lines individually to prevent vapor migration. On low-temperature evaporators, the traps should be located outside the case.
If freezing of the traps is still a potential problem, they should be heated and wrapped.
Before installing any evaporator coil, it is important to consider all the necessary installation requirements. It is always easiest to make changes before actually installing the coil. Once the coil is installed, changes will be time consuming and costly to you, the installing contractor.
Marchese is owner of Arctic-Air Refrigeration, Pittsburgh, PA. He can be reached at P.O. Box 97022, Pittsburgh, PA 15229; 412-734-4433.
Publication date: 02/11/2002