NFPA 1 is one of the most widely adopted fire codes in the U.S., and addresses basic fire prevention requirements necessary to establish a reasonable level of fire safety and property protection from the hazards created by fire and explosion.
The Life Safety Code provides minimum building design, construction, operation, and maintenance requirements to protect building occupants from fire, smoke, and toxic fumes. Both codes have been developed through NFPA's consensus-based process, which includes input from all affected parties.
"Building owners and fire code officials in New Hampshire can depend on these codes to ensure that fire hazards are identified and appropriate fire prevention procedures are provided based upon specific hazards," said Don Bliss, state fire marshal.
All NFPA safety codes and standards are developed through a process accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The 300 NFPA technical committees responsible for developing and updating all codes and standards include 6,000 volunteers, representing enforcing authorities, installation and maintenance, labor, research and testing, insurance, special experts, consumers, and other users.
All interested parties and members of the public can review and comment on the codes and standards. All NFPA members have the opportunity to vote before the documents are issued.
For more information, visit the NFPA website at
Publication date: 11/25/2002