Highlights from the conference included a presentation on business ethics by Frank Bucaro, a seminar on gaining customer loyalty presented by Dennis Soward, a session on dealing with difficult people presented by Kevin Dougherty, and a session on identifying, allocating, and recovering overhead presented by Chuck Vander Kooi.
John Koontz, a member of MCAA’s National Education Initiative, also organized a panel discussion. The session allowed audience members to discuss some of the top challenges facing project managers. Koontz also offered some tips and solutions to help solve some problems identified by participants.
The conference closed with a presentation by memory expert Scott Bornstein, who presented a mind-mapping system to help members stimulate collaboration among teams and strengthen learning, management, and leadership potential.
The 8th Mid-Year Educational Conference has already been scheduled. It will take place June 11-14, 2003, at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia, PA.
Publication date: 08/05/2002