The Jobclock System is permanently attached at the jobsite in order to record exactly when workers arrive and depart. Employees are given two iButtons which act as digital timecards, to attach to their keyrings. One of the iButtons is for “punching in”, and the other is for “punching out.” The supervisor can use a personal digital assistant to download everybody’s time records, and download the information to a PC at the office. Then, using Job-clock PC software, records for an individual, a crew, or a jobsite can be viewed. A report can be printed out that subtotals the activity for any individual or period of time. Payroll can be easily prepared without manually adding up time cards, the company says.

ATEC Inc., P.O. Box 1782, Sandy, UT 84091; 866-468-2832 or 801-282-1388; 801-495-2439 (fax); (e-mail).

eProduct #187