The day will undoubtedly come when it’s necessary for you to arrange for portable cooling in order to keep a customer comfortable. Maybe it’s because the owner’s equipment has failed. Perhaps it’s due to a renovation that requires the equipment to be offline for awhile. Or maybe a customer wants portable cooling to keep a particular area in the building comfortable.

Another scenario that might involve portable cooling is a special event requiring equipment that can be moved around. Whatever the occasion, contractors should be aware of where they can get their hands on portable cooling equipment.

One source is Spot Coolers, which has 27 locations nationwide.


Spot Coolers has been in business since 1983. With 27 coast-to-coast branches, the company focuses solely on renting and selling portable air conditioning equipment.

So just what does the company have available? Well, let’s start with the 0.5- through 5-ton air-cooled portable units, available in two configurations. There are 1- to 5-ton industrial high-ambient units and 0.5- to 5-ton low-ambient units; then there are the water-cooled portable units, which are available in sizes from 1 to 5 tons. Portable split systems come in sizes from 1 to 3.25 tons, and portable heat pumps are available in the 1- to 5-ton size range.

“We also have 12- through 50-ton mobile equipment, which is either cart-mounted or trailer-mounted,” says Garth Tagge, vice president, Spot Coolers, Atlanta GA. The company also has portable evaporative cooling equipment and construction heat available.

The company prides itself on being able to service customers within a few hours of their phone call. “The whole theory behind our multiple branches is that wherever there’s any kind of customer density, we’re within a short drive. All our branches are networked such that where one territory drops off, another one picks up,” explains Tagge.

More often than not, contractors need Spot Coolers’ equipment for emergencies.

Just recently, an eight-story office building in Atlanta lost its cooling due to a failed water pump. Without the pump, the chiller was useless, and the occupants in the building would soon start steaming in the humid, 85 degrees F weather.

The pump was not in stock, nor could it be located anywhere in the state. The part was finally located out of state, but it would not arrive for two days.

The building’s chief engineer contacted Spot Coolers, which had a representative at the site by 12:30 p.m. The building was about 75% occupied, with four floors being used for a call center. It was determined that 38 portable air conditioning units would be needed to provide cooling for specific suites and areas throughout the building.

Spot Coolers loaded up the necessary equipment and by 2:30 p.m. the same day, the equipment was ready to be placed in the building. It took 2 hours to unload the 38 units, roll them into place, plug them in, and duct the condenser air into the ceiling plenum. When the water pump arrived two days later and was installed, Spot Coolers removed its equipment and went on its way.

For more information about the company, visit (website), or call the company at 800-367-8675.

Publication date: 07/15/2002