DES PLAINES, Ill. - Need to boost your knowledge of brazed-plate heat exchangers? The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) is presenting a session right up your alley. "Brazed-Plate Heat Exchangers: Their Use, Installation and Service" will be held at the RSES annual conference Sept. 30-Oct. 2.

James E. Bogart of FlatPlate, Inc., will offer practical information, including a brief history of brazed-plate heat ex-changers, their basic construction, applications and installation tips, how to build a chiller with a brazed-plate heat exchanger, servicing, and cleaning.

Conference registration fees are $250 ($325 Canadian) for RSES members and $300 ($400 Canadian) for nonmembers before Aug. 1, 2004. Fees will be $280 ($360 Canadian) and $330 ($435 Canadian), respectively, before Sept. 1, 2004 and $310 ($395 Canadian) and $360 ($470 Canadian), respectively, thereafter.

For more information, contact Kirby Kirkpatrick at Success Express: 800-310-6853 or 317-718-5910; 317-718-5912 (fax);

Publication date: 07/26/2004