The EZ-GLIDE™ System ladder rack from Weather Guard® Equipment features an ergonomic design with hydraulic action. It is designed to fit vans, minivans, high-cube vans, and various other vehicles. The basic rack has a dropdown rotation kit mounted on the curbside of the vehicle. An additional rotation kit or a clampdown-style rack can be added to the driver’s side, says the company. Features include adjustable hydraulic cylinders, interlocking hangers, and a locking mechanism. The company states that optional equipment includes a mirror for providing visibility behind the vehicle.

Knaack Manufacturing Co., Attn: Brad Fagala, 420 E. Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake, IL 60014; 800-456-7865; 800-334-2981 (fax); (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #196