The Solar BD compressors can be connected to a photovoltaic panel and can operate on 9.6 to 31.5 V. A programming option is included that will adapt the compressor for the voltage range of different solar power modules.
SC commercial-duty, fractional-hp hermetics now cover 1,300 to 3,200 Btuh (low temp), 2,588 to 5,900 Btuh (medium temp), and 4,730 to 7,500 Btuh (high temp). The product is produced at a Danfoss plant in Flensburg, Germany.
The technology was first offered on the TU Series of smaller stainless steel expansion valves. The company is now making the connections available on larger brass-bodied valves for air conditioning applications, and on a range of solenoid valves.
The connection is made by rolling together sheets of stainless steel and copper until the metal fuses. Connections are then deep drawn from the bimetal sheets. The copper layer is thinner than a standard copper connection, so it reaches brazing temperature faster, and with much less heat input, the company said.
“Because stainless steel is a relatively poor conductor of heat, the heat tends to remain in the connection,” the company said. “So little heat is used that the brazing process, with common flux-free brazing material, requires no chill blocks or other cooling of the valve body. The faster braze and heat containment means that costs for field replacements due to invisible damage are virtually eliminated.”
The solution was to have each floor with its own climate control system governed by an 8000 Series commercial thermostat. The stats feature separate heat and cool settings and range limitation of maximum and minimum heat and cool setpoints. The product can be used with remote sensors.
Publication date: 02/24/2003