TIF, an Advanced Test Products Co.: Refrigerant Meter
The 9055 Programmable Charging/Recovery Meter automatically dispenses programmed refrigerant charges and controls programmed recovery amounts. The compact, portable unit offers three display modes: pounds/ounce, decimal pounds, and kilograms. The instrument has a 220-pound/100-kilogram capacity and is accurate to within ¿0.5 percent of reading. Users can store up to 99 values. It has a "Repeat" charge feature. The meter is compatible with all refrigerants and is backed by a five-year warranty.
TIF, an Advanced Test Products Co., 3270 Executive Way, Miramar, FL 33025; 800-327-5060 or 954-499-5400; 954-499-5454 (fax); www.advancedtestproducts.com.
eProduct #187