The Vibro-Curb has integral vibration-dampening spring isolators. Roofing can be completed at a later date without disturbing the HVAC unit. A wood nailer is provided for attaching roofing felts. The flexible, 8-inch counter flashing provides a weather seal, while permitting access to the isolators. Roofing around spring access ports is not required with this curb. According to the manufacturer, vertical limit stops eliminate excessive movement caused by wind loads and seismic activity. The standard height of the curb is 19 inches; other heights are available. Units can be fabricated to match a specific roof pitch or configuration.

Thybar Corp., 913 S. Kay Ave., Addison, IL 60101; 800-666-2872 or 630-543-5300; 630-543-5309 (fax);;

eProduct #190