“This year’s chapter executive award recipient serves as a great example for other chapter executives,” noted SMACNA Legislative Committee Chairman John Ilten. “Tony hosts local events with his members of Congress and attends local fundraisers. With the impressive Chicagoland Joint Labor-Management Training Center right in his backyard, he frequently hosts tours for congressional members to emphasize the SMACNA contractor’s commitment to training and quality.”
Each year Adolfs brings a contingent of his members to Washington to emphasize the SMACNA position through face-to-face meetings with congressional representatives. He has increased chapter participation in the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Political Action Committee (SMAC PAC) and developed a new younger generation of Congressional Insiders Club (CIC) members. A CIC member for seven years, he has worked to place his chapter in the SMAC PAC’s top 10 contributing chapters each year. “In fact, his chapter is always at least in the top six,” commented Ilten.
An active participant on SMACNA committees, Adolfs recently completed terms as chairman of SMACNA’s Council of Chapter Representatives and as a member of SMACNA’s Multi-Service Chapter Application and Selection Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and Chapter Executives’ Institute Board.
SMACNA's annual legislative awards dinner is held in conjunction with the Campaign for Quality Construction (CQC) National Issues Conference. The CQC is comprised of SMACNA, the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA), the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), the Finishing Contractors Association (FCA), and the Association of Union Contractors (NEA), which represents the interests of more than 60,000 union employing construction firms.
Publication date: 06/23/2003