ATLANTA — The second edition of the ISH North America consolidated trade show will take place in Las Vegas Oct. 1-3, 2003, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. The event will involve the kitchen and bath, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning industries. In addition to product displays and exhibits, there will be a number of educational seminars. The preliminary seminar schedule includes the following sessions:

  • “New European Regulations for Energy Savings in Houses and Consequences for Industry and Installers,” presented by Andreas Lucke. According to Lucke, Europe has discovered huge potential energy savings by CO2 reductions in existing buildings, and new regulations will affect installers, architects, and planners.

  • “Thermal-Driven Air Conditioning Systems,” presented by Gunther Mertz. Growing desire for air conditioning poses a problem for electricity suppliers due to high peak loads in summer, asserts Mertz. He maintains that during the peak times, cost for natural gas and domestic heat is marginal.

  • “How to Acquire and Retain Great Co-Workers,” presented by James Leichter. The seminar is designed to teach attendees to minimize employee turnover costs by implementing 12 specific steps for hiring and interviewing.

  • “Using the Media to Promote a Positive Business Image,” presented by John R. Hall, business management editor for The News. Hall explores how contractors can use the media to promote a positive image, thereby gaining a valuable marketing edge.

    Additional seminar topics include radiant heating, hydronics, business management, marketing, and environmental systems.

    For more information or to register, visit

    Publication date: 07/14/2003