The DPM-2001, DPM-2001 Plus, and DPM-2100 are models in a new line of digital pressure meters. All models measure positive and negative pressure and are compatible with both gases and liquids. Each model has a battery life display (0 percent to 100 percent), digital calibration, 0.5 percent of full-scale accuracy, -13.50- to 100.00-psi range, digital zero adjust, and four pressure scales. In addition, the DPM-2001 Plus has a min/max feature and an RS-232 port. The DPM-2100 is a pressure-temperature meter. It has all of the features that the DPM-2001 Plus has, as well as a temperature probe interface. Options for the meters include a carrying case and a universal pressure adapter kit.

BC Group International Inc., P.O. Box 25125, 9415 Gentry Ave., St. Louis, MO 63125; 314-638-3800; 314-638-3200 (fax);

eProduct #196