State Water Heaters: Gas Water Heater
The Premier® is a residential gas water heater. The self-cleaning Turbo Coil™ dip tube has a design that reduces sediment buildup in the tank, prolonging tank life and maintaining high energy efficiency, according to the manufacturer. The water heater has a 10-year warranty. Features include 2-inch-thick foam insulation, inlet/outlet heat traps, a “high dome” internal tank design, Green Choice™ low-NOx gas burner, and a tamper-resistant brass drain valve. This line of water heaters includes C3 Technology™ models, which meet the new ANSI standard for flammable vapor ignition resistant (FVIR) design.
State Water Heaters, 500 Lindahl Pkwy., Ashland City, TN 37015; 800-365-0024;
eProduct #192