A.O. Smith Water Products Co.: Gas Water Heaters
The company has a streamlined selection of the Conservationist®, ProMax® Plus, Powerhouse ProMax® SL, and ProMax® residential water heaters. This line of water heaters includes C3 Technology™ models, with a safety system that meets the new ANSI standard for flammable vapor ignition resistant (FVIR) design. Other features include the company’s PermaGlas® coating, a commercial-grade glass lining; Green Choice™ gas burner which reduces NOx emissions; and a durable, temper-resistant brass drain valve. The manufacturer states that the sediment-fighting DynaClean™ dip tubes are made from longer-lasting PEX cross-link polymer.
A.O. Smith Water Products Co., 500 Lindahl Pkwy., Ashland City, TN 37015; 615-792-4371; www.hotwater.com.
eProduct #183