Frank Coda
ATLANTA - Frank Coda died on June 25 after a lengthy illness. He was 64. Mr. Coda "helped the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) evolve into a leading force for technological advancement on a global scale," the association said.

Mr. Coda became ASHRAE executive director in 1981, was named chief staff officer in 1984, and was named ASHRAE executive vice president emeritus in January 2004. "He continued to work for ASHRAE in a consulting capacity until his death," the society said.

"Frank Coda's will to survive, his work ethic, and love of his family and ASHRAE, characterized the last years of his life," said Richard R. Rooley, ASHRAE president. "Our international membership mourns his passing while looking back with admiration on his achievements on our behalf."

During his secretary's report at the 2004 Winter Meeting, Mr. Coda noted, "ASHRAE does not suffer from a lack of challenges: Building security, climate change, efficient use of energy resources, and strengthening the food chain and preserving shelf life of medicines in many parts of the world demand we do this. But because of the society's vitality, a vitality fueled by delivery of value-based services, ASHRAE's future is as bright as its current health is strong and as its history is proud."

Mr. Coda was born April 8, 1940. He graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., in 1961 with a degree in civil engineering. He joined ASHRAE in 1969 and was a member of the technical committee covering thermal insulation and moisture barriers. In 1973 he was named executive vice president of the Illuminating Engineering Society, now IESNA.

He also was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, the American Society of Association Executives, the National Institute of Buildings Sciences, and the Construction Specifications Institute.

Mr. Coda is survived by his wife, Joyce, and four children.

Publication date: 07/19/2004