ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) will hold its first National Commercial Contracting Roundtable, titled "Opportunities Unlimited," Oct. 26-27, at the Sheraton Inner Harbor in Baltimore. More than 17 workshops have been scheduled for the two-day event, which will include sessions on topics such as contract law; cooling towers; creating and marketing a planned replacement program; filtration, ventilation, and building security; controlling insurance costs; and wireless building controls.

At the meeting's general sessions, contractors will explore topics in three areas. In the opening session, Hank Harris, president of FMI, will look at current trends affecting the construction industry and how contractors can be prepared.

On Oct. 26, Bill Prindle and Harvey Sachs of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy will show contractors how they can increase profits in the "clean and green" building arena. On Oct. 27, Fred Barnes, commentator for the Fox News Channel and executive editor of The Weekly Standard, will provide his perspective on the November elections and how they will affect the contracting industry.

Registration for the event is under way.

To register or for more information, visit

Publication date: 05/24/2004