The stand-alone humidity and temperature recorder can take readings in small spaces that were inaccessible previously, says the company. The MicroHTemp data logger can measure temperature from -20 degrees C to 70 degrees C with ±0.5 degrees calibrated accuracy and humidity from 0-percent to 100-percent relative humidity (rh), with ±3-percent rh accuracy says the company. Capable of recording up to 21,845 measurements per channel, the recorder can take one reading every two seconds, up to one every 12 hours. It has a real-time clock and nonvolatile memory for maximum data security, says the company. The MicroHTemp is user programmable from a Palm Pilot® or PC.

MadgeTech Inc., 201 Route 103 West, P.O. Box 50, Warner, NH 03278; 603-456-2011; 603-456-2012 (fax);;

eProduct #193