The Envirotrak IV® is a high-speed, microprocessor-based controller for critical-environment control applications such as laboratories, fume hoods, and airflow and pressurization control systems. The controller has a 25-µsec scan rate, 1-MB flash memory, and 1-MB RAM. It incorporates 48 I/O control points and may be programmed to scan each point in any sequence desired without imposing limits on the application or number of downloadable graphic programs, depending on memory capacity, states the manufacturer. The Envirotrak IV supports BACnet, Modbus, LonWorks, and Johnson Controls' N2.

Laboratory Control Systems Inc., 2259 Scranton-Carbondale Highway, Scranton, PA 18508; 570-487-2490; 570-487-2494 (fax);;

eProduct #195