Camfil Farr: Gas, Vapor Sorbent System
The Camsorbâ„¢ sorbent canister system is designed for removal of high gas and vapor loads in HVAC systems. This new system contains more sorbent in a given space than standard flat-tray designs, claims the company. Uses of the sorbent system include treating make-up air in buildings containing objectionable levels of ozone, automobile fumes, diesel engine exhaust, jet engine fumes, or light levels of industrial emissions and odors. It also can be used for removing building occupant, indoor emission source (copiers, printers, and cleaning materials), and light manufacturing process (printing, pharmaceutical processing, degreasing) odors and vapors from recirculated air, as well as for protecting sensitive materials such as those found in laboratory and museum settings.
Camfil Farr, One North Corporate Dr., Riverdale, NJ 07457; 866-422-6345; 973-616-7771 (fax);;
eProduct #187